The 'Flag' paintings portray events past and present.

The Polish flag, has two equal horizontal panels of white over red these are separated with an imaginary horizon representing the land joining Poland to the left, and Russia on the right. 

The second painting, the flag of Syria, has three equal panels red over white with black at the base, this is over-painted with desert, depicting Syria on the right and Europe with its barriers to the left. 


the polish flag

This is painted as a memorial of events which took place throughout Russia during the Second World War, in particular, the Katyn massacre. There are many moments in history which we should not forget and this painting is in memory of those 22000 Polish prisoners-of-war and civilians assassinated and buried in mass graves hidden in the Katyn Forest, and throughout Russia.

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the Syrian flag

This painting, depicts recent history, refugees fleeing the atrocities in their homeland, working their way across Europe and, having survived the treacherous sea crossing, are now confronted with countries who put up barriers to halt their progress. This recent history is vivid to most of us today. 

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