Art is for everyone, it doesn't have to be expensive to have true value nor does it need to be overly complicated to convey true meaning. 

So, whether it's abstract or a more conventional approach, the goal for most artists is to please the viewer.

For me, painting is the process of arranging elements in a way that appeals to the senses and emotions, it's a visual experience, aimed at focusing the mind, and yes I would hope, thought provoking!

Art in its many forms has proved to be very effective in drawing our attention to a whole host of subjects but for the most part, these have tended to be historical.

Today, in a world of mass information, is it possible we are becoming disconnected because of this media overload? How much do we or can we really take in?

Whilst I don't believe art should be an exhaustive 'preaching' process, I do believe it can be used effectively in promoting awareness. I have tried to do this in the 'Flag' series and in the more light hearted approach to the commission for the historical village of Penkhull.


the Polish Flag

This painting based on the Polish flag, draws attention to events of the Second World War.


the flag of syria

This painting based on the Syrian flag, draws attention to recent history.


once upon a time

The historical village of Penkhull, as it appeared until the 1960's, before redevelopment!